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Configure payload logging via API

Use the Rulesets API to configure payload logging for a managed ruleset via API.

Configure and enable payload logging

  1. Use the Get a zone entry point ruleset operation to obtain the following IDs:

    • The ID of the entry point ruleset of the http_request_firewall_managed phase.
    • The ID of the rule deploying the WAF managed ruleset (an execute rule) for which you want to configure payload logging.
  2. Use the Update a zone ruleset rule operation to update the rule you identified in the previous step.

    Include a matched_data object in the rule’s action_parameters object to configure payload logging. The matched_data object has the following structure:

    "action_parameters": {
    // ...
    "matched_data": {
    "public_key": "<PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE>"

    Replace <PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE> with the public key you want to use for payload logging. You can generate a public key in the command line or in the Cloudflare dashboard.


This example configures payload logging for the Cloudflare Managed Ruleset, which is already deployed for a zone with ID {zone_id}.

  1. Invoke the Get a zone entry point ruleset operation (a GET request) to obtain the rules currently configured in the entry point ruleset of the http_request_firewall_managed phase.

    curl{zone_id}/rulesets/phases/http_request_firewall_managed/entrypoint \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
    Example response
    "result": {
    "id": "060013b1eeb14c93b0dcd896537e0d2c", // entry point ruleset ID
    "name": "default",
    "description": "",
    "source": "firewall_managed",
    "kind": "zone",
    "version": "3",
    "rules": [
    // (...)
    "id": "1bdb49371c1f46958fc8b985efcb79e7", // `execute` rule ID
    "version": "1",
    "action": "execute",
    "expression": "true",
    "last_updated": "2024-01-20T14:21:28.643979Z",
    "ref": "1bdb49371c1f46958fc8b985efcb79e7",
    "enabled": true,
    "action_parameters": {
    "id": "efb7b8c949ac4650a09736fc376e9aee", // "Cloudflare Managed Ruleset" ID
    "version": "latest"
    // (...)
    "last_updated": "2024-01-20T14:29:00.190643Z",
    "phase": "http_request_firewall_managed"
    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "messages": []
  2. Save the following IDs for the next step:

    • The ID of the entry point ruleset: 060013b1eeb14c93b0dcd896537e0d2c
    • The ID of the execute rule deploying the Cloudflare Managed Ruleset: 1bdb49371c1f46958fc8b985efcb79e7

    To find the correct rule in the rules array, search for an execute rule containing the ID of the Cloudflare Managed Ruleset ( ...376e9aee ) in action_parameters > id.

  3. Invoke the Update a zone ruleset rule operation (a PATCH request) to update the configuration of the rule you identified. The rule will now include the payload logging configuration (matched_data object).

    curl --request PATCH \
    "{zone_id}/rulesets/060013b1eeb14c93b0dcd896537e0d2c/rules/1bdb49371c1f46958fc8b985efcb79e7" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
    "action": "execute",
    "action_parameters": {
    "id": "efb7b8c949ac4650a09736fc376e9aee",
    "matched_data": {
    "public_key": "Ycig/Zr/pZmklmFUN99nr+taURlYItL91g+NcHGYpB8="
    "expression": "true"

    The response will include the complete ruleset after updating the rule.

For more information on deploying managed rulesets via API, refer to Deploy a managed ruleset in the Ruleset Engine documentation.

Disable payload logging

To disable payload logging for a managed ruleset:

  1. Use the Update a zone ruleset rule operation (a PATCH request) to update the rule deploying the managed ruleset (an execute rule).

  2. Modify the rule definition so that there is no matched_data object in action_parameters.

For example, the following PATCH request updates rule with ID {rule_id} deploying the Cloudflare Managed Ruleset so that payload logging is disabled:

Terminal window
curl --request PATCH \
"{zone_id}/rulesets/{entrypoint_ruleset_id}/rules/{rule_id}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"action": "execute",
"action_parameters": {
"id": "efb7b8c949ac4650a09736fc376e9aee"
"expression": "true"

For details on obtaining the entry point ruleset ID and the ID of the rule to update, refer to Configure and enable payload logging.