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Manage subscriptions

Once your customer has a zone provisioned, you can add zone and account-level subscriptions.

Zone subscriptions

Create zone subscription

To create a zone subscription, typically used to upgrade a zone’s plan from PARTNERS_FREE to a paid Zone plan, send a POST request to the /zones/{zone_id}/subscription endpoint and include the following values:

  • rate_plan object

    • Contains the zone plan corresponding to what customers would order in the dashboard. For a list of available values, refer to Zone subscriptions.
  • component_values array

    • Additional services depending on your reseller agreement, such as additional page_rules.
  • frequency string

    • How often the subscription is renewed automatically (defaults to "monthly").
Request (without `component_values`)
curl '{zone_id}/subscription' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"rate_plan": {
"id": "<RATE_PLAN>"
"frequency": "annual"
Request (with `component_values`)
curl '{zone_id}/subscription' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"rate_plan": {
"component_values": [
"name": "page_rules",
"value": 50

Get zone subscription details

To get the details of a zone subscription, send a GET request to the /zones/<ZONE_ID>/subscription endpoint.

Update zone subscription

To update a subscription on a zone, typically used to update an existing subscription’s ‘component_values’ or to downgrade a zone’s subscription, send a PUT request to the /zones/<ZONE_ID>/subscription endpoint.

Account subscriptions

Depending on your agreement, you may be allowed to resell other add-on services. These are provisioned as account-level subscriptions.

Create account subscription

To create an account subscription, send a POST request to the /accounts/{account_id}/subscriptions endpoint and include the following values:

  • rate_plan object

    • Contains the account subscription corresponding to a specific add-on service. For a list of available values, refer to Available subscriptions.
  • component_values array

    • Additional services depending on your reseller agreement, such as additional endpoints for load balancing or additional seats for Cloudflare Zero Trust. If not included, the subscription includes the default values associated with each purchase.
  • frequency string

    • How often the subscription is renewed automatically (defaults to "monthly").
curl '{account_id}/subscriptions' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"rate_plan": {
"id": "<RATE_PLAN_NAME>"

Get account subscription details

To get all subscriptions for an account, send a GET request to the /accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/subscriptions endpoint.

Update account subscription

To update a subscription on an account, send a PUT request to the /accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> endpoint.

Delete account subscription

To delete a subscription on an account, send a DELETE request to the /accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> endpoint.