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Remix is a framework that is focused on fully utilizing the power of the web. Like Cloudflare Workers, it uses modern JavaScript APIs, and it places emphasis on web fundamentals such as meaningful HTTP status codes, caching and optimizing for both usability and performance.

In this guide, you will create a new Remix application and deploy to Cloudflare Pages.

Setting up a new project

Use the create-cloudflare CLI (C3) to set up a new project. C3 will create a new project directory, initiate Remix’s official setup tool, and provide the option to deploy instantly.

To use create-cloudflare to create a new Remix project, run the following command:

Terminal window
npm create cloudflare@latest -- my-remix-app --framework=remix

create-cloudflare will install additional dependencies, including the Wrangler CLI and any necessary adapters, and ask you setup questions.

After setting up your project, change the directory and render your project by running the following command:

Terminal window
# choose Cloudflare Pages
cd my-remix-app
npm run dev

Before you continue

All of the framework guides assume you already have a fundamental understanding of Git. If you are new to Git, refer to this summarized Git handbook on how to set up Git on your local machine.

If you clone with SSH, you must generate SSH keys on each computer you use to push or pull from GitHub.

Refer to the GitHub documentation and Git documentation for more information.

Create a GitHub repository

Create a new GitHub repository by visiting After creating a new repository, go to your newly created project directory to prepare and push your local application to GitHub by running the following commands in your terminal:

Terminal window
git remote add origin<your-gh-username>/<repository-name>
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Deploy with Cloudflare Pages

Deploy via the create-cloudflare CLI (C3)

If you use create-cloudflare(C3) to create your new Remix project, C3 will install all dependencies needed for your project and prompt you to deploy your project via the CLI. If you deploy, your site will be live and you will be provided with a deployment URL.

Deploy via the Cloudflare dashboard

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
  2. In Account Home, select Workers & Pages > Create application > Pages > Connect to Git.
  3. Select the new GitHub repository that you created and, in the Set up builds and deployments section, provide the following information:
Configuration option Value
Production branch main
Build command npm run build
Build directory build/client

After configuring your site, you can begin your first deploy. You should see Cloudflare Pages installing npm, your project dependencies, and building your site before deploying it.

After deploying your site, you will receive a unique subdomain for your project on * Every time you commit new code to your Remix site, Cloudflare Pages will automatically rebuild your project and deploy it. You will also get access to preview deployments on new pull requests, so you can preview how changes look to your site before deploying them to production.

Deploy via the Wrangler CLI

If you use create-cloudflare(C3) to create your new Remix project, C3 will automatically scaffold your project with wrangler. To deploy your project, run the following command:

Terminal window
npm run deploy

Create and add a binding to your Remix application

To add a binding to your Remix application, refer to Bindings. A binding allows your application to interact with Cloudflare developer products, such as KV namespaces, Durable Objects, R2 storage buckets, and D1 databases.

Binding resources in local development

Remix uses Wrangler’s getPlatformProxy to simulate the Cloudflare environment locally. You configure getPlatformProxy in your project’s vite.config.ts file via cloudflareDevProxyVitePlugin.

To bind resources in local development, you need to configure the bindings in the wrangler.toml file. Refer to Bindings to learn more.

Once you have configured the bindings in the wrangler.toml file, the proxies are then available within context.cloudflare in your loader or action functions:

export const loader = ({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { env, cf, ctx } = context.cloudflare;
env.MY_BINDING; // Access bound resources here
// ... more loader code here...

Binding resources in production

To bind resources in production, you need to configure the bindings in the Cloudflare dashboard. Refer to the Bindings documentation to learn more.

Once you have configured the bindings in the Cloudflare dashboard, the proxies are then available within context.cloudflare.env in your loader or action functions as shown above.

Example: Access your D1 database in a Remix application

As an example, you will bind and query a D1 database in a Remix application.

  1. Create a D1 database. Refer to the D1 documentation to learn more.
  2. Configure bindings for your D1 database in the wrangler.toml file:
[[ d1_databases ]]
binding = "DB"
database_name = "<YOUR_DATABASE_NAME>"
database_id = "<YOUR_DATABASE_ID>"
  1. Run npm run typegen to generate TypeScript types for your bindings.
Terminal window
npm run typegen
> typegen
> wrangler types
⛅️ wrangler 3.48.0
interface Env {
DB: D1Database;
  1. Access the D1 database in your loader function:
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import { json } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ context, params }) => {
const { env, cf, ctx } = context.cloudflare;
let { results } = await env.DB.prepare(
"SELECT * FROM products where id = ?1"
return json(results);
export default function Index() {
const results = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
return (
<h1>Welcome to Remix</h1>
A value from D1:

Learn more

By completing this guide, you have successfully deployed your Remix site to Cloudflare Pages. To get started with other frameworks, refer to the list of Framework guides.